
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This started off as a silly game, but ended in a revival. God was with us at retreat. We were fighting devils and demons, the whole 9 yards. It was the best experience. I came back changed and renewed. So what sparked it all, was that the guys had a prayer session and prayed, not our strongest but fairly good. We were like, "OK we're sleepy, good night," but then something undescribable happened. We heard warriors of God praising and praying. It was like we could see the flame that had been lit, and we were the sparks. One of my friends Dosu was trying to get us to be still, and when he finally did, we had an undescribable, awesome, unmatchable tongues interrputation. I don't remember everything but God said, "Why do you not believe in me, that I can wash your sins. I have forgiven you, its time to forgive your self.
Stop letting your past hold you back from what I called you to do." When we heard that message we all went beserck and we experienced true dedicated worship and............... I don't even know how to describe what we had, just an undescrbable love. But what we have to remember is that the devil's trying to break us down, but we can't let him get to us. Its like a homeschoolers field trip, if something happens, if the car breaks down, or whatever happens, our destination's not canceled. We're going to get their one way or another. In the end we came home, breaking barriers and  triumph over the devil, in Jesus's name.

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